Sunday, December 9, 2012

Six Months Old

She Loves To Stand!
It is amazing to see how much Lyla has grown and developed. I never thought that two short months could make such a difference!

First things first, we have FINALLY gotten her on a sleeping schedule, praise the Lord! Normally, she would be up every 2-3 hours in the middle of the night and it was so exhausting. Now, she goes to bed at 9pm and wakes up between 7am-8am. She's still sleeping in our room, but hopefully Santa is going to bring her an Angel Care video and movement monitor for Christmas so we won't have to worry all night when she's sleeping in her own room. Unfortunately, she has had a couple of apnea episodes lately so I've been hesitant in making this transition.

Me and Daddy Match

Another big moment is that we have officially survived her first cold. I have never felt so bad for this poor baby. She was completely miserable for almost two weeks. She was running fevers, coughing, sneezing, and extremely congested. She would be so exhausted and as soon as we would lay her down, she would get stuffed up and couldn't breathe. There were many nights when her sweet daddy would sleep with her on our couch so that she could sit up and not have problems breathing. Boogie Wipes and a suction bulb became our best friends during that time.

On a better note, she is getting so strong! She loves to stand up. We have to hold her hands to balance her, of course, but she smiles and giggles the whole time. She is trying her best to crawl. She knows that she wants to move around but she just can't figure out how to get those legs to work. She has started being more aware of her surroundings and noticing different things that she never paid attention to before. The past couple of weeks, she's started grabbing objects and pulling them to her. She loves looking at my phone and trying to put it in her mouth. That's her new thing, trying to put everything in her mouth.

So Focused
She loves sitting in her Bumbo seat and watching TV. At first we would turn on the Baby First TV channel and she was amazed at all of the bright colors and sounds. It was so cute watching her head move back and forth trying to follow the objects on the screen. She gets so focused and then jumps when she gets excited about something she's seeing. Now, we've figured out that she is her daddy's little girl. She LOVES watching Sports Center and football games. It is so funny when I walk in the house and see them sitting on the couch, both completely focused on a football game.

She is still a tiny little thing, only weighing about 13lbs. She is wearing three month clothing, size one diapers, and size one shoes. We've started feeding her baby food and she loves it! From what I can tell, her favorites are peaches, applesauce, and green beans. She doesn't care too much for sweet potatoes. We've increased her milk to 5oz and two scoops of rice cereal every three hours.

I can't wait to see all the changes that the next two months bring. I pray that she gets bigger and healthier as each day passes and for her to be happy and strong. This little girl brings so much joy to our lives and brightens our day just by seeing her beautiful smile. We are so blessed!

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